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Monday, April 26, 2010


Name: Josephine K. Lawson (Goes only by Jo)

Age: 16

Religion/Gender: Christian (no particular denomination), Female

Physical Description: Five foot four; long and curly brunette; no acne but lots of freckles;

Parents: Devout Catholic Mother and Inactive Father; Jo is very close to her father but struggles with clashing views/opinions concerning her mom.

Siblings: Has an older sister attending Harvard Law (Juliet, 23) and a younger sister (Janae, 13) who plans to attend college with a computer science major.

Style of Dress: Conservative; revels in buying high heels and hiking boots.

Hometown: Galveston, Texas

Family/Marital Status: Wants to marry in the future, hopes for two or three kids.

Life's Ambition: To attend Julliard school of Music with her talent in voice.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Strawberry

Fondest childhood memory: Earning an award for excellence in musical composition (elementary, age 9)

First Love: Joey Brooksen, who gave her his fruit snacks every day for a week in the fourth grade.

Greatest Fear: Being forced to join a convent

Strongest desire: To become a successful vocalist

Job: Local Ice Cream Parlor (Server Girl)

Identifying Marks: Slash of hairless skin through her left eyebrow (result of a childhood curling iron accident)

Mannerisms/Gestures: Widens her eyes whenever she is excited or incredulous; Snaps her fingers absentmindedly when she is making a trivial decision; ALWAYS taps her toe to the radio (even elevator music).

Favorite Quotes: "History will be kind to me; for I intend to write it." ~Winston Churchill
"Sharp rocks at the bottom? Bring it on." ~Emperor's New Groove
"Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable." ~Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice

Favorite Movie Lines: "Anybody want a peanut?" ~Princess Bride

Favorite Songs: Symphony No. 9--Beethoven
Fallin' For You--Colbie Calliat
Dies Irae--Mozart
Santa Fe--Newsies
Defying Gravity--Steven Schwartz, Wicked

Favorite Candy Bar: Whatchamacallit

Favorite NBA team: Boston Celtics

MVP (Most valuable possesion): Her i-pod

How he/she feels about love: Hopes for a long courtship (a year or more), beginning as simply friends. Wants nothing to do with infatuation or flighty marriage; wants absolute certainty in her decision. This also holds Jo back from starting any relationships, however.


  1. Her little sister really has her head on her shoulders, when I was 13 I still think I wanted to be the President, or an Astronaut, or a super hero.

    Anyways, I really like the character. So many people are in the same boat--don't know what they want, but wants to be something.

  2. I liked how you gave your hero several facets. That makes her a very believable character. I love the combination of the serious and the trivial, I think we find that in all of us. Very well done.
